Monday, 25 April 2011


Sleep: 8 hrs - not bad on an airbed!

Porridge with mashed banana, peanut butter & cinnamon
Lime chicken in crayfish & peanut sauce, green beans with rice & fries
Apple and a handful of mixed nuts
Cottage Pie
Yoghurt with winter fruits & oats

Water: 2-3 litres

Energy Levels: The sun took it out of me, crashed out mid afternoon. Zzzzz

Activities: Biked 13 miles

Temptation? Carrot cake mid-afternoon would have gone down a treat!

Mood: Like a cranky toddler after lunch - until I'd had my nap!

Ate a monster bowl of porridge to start the day off and that kept me well fuelled.  When I'm out and on the go, I don't think about food (until I get hungry), when I'm home it's a different matter, I'm much more likely to graze.  Looking back over todays intake, it was quite a good day.  I'm aware that I'm possible eating more starchy carbohydrates than I usually would, but if that prevents me reaching for a chocolate bar or slice of cake then I'll take it.  Measurements to come on Wednesday so it'll be interesting to see if there's been any change...

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