Sleep: 8hrs - Up once to use the bathroom.
Mashed banana, natural yoghurt & mixed nuts
2 oat cakes
Trek Brownie Bar - Raw dates 40%, soya crispies 15% (soya, tapioca starch, salt), oats, raw raisins 13%, raw peanuts 8%, apple juice, cocoa 4%, maize starch, ginko biloba extract, ginseng extract, a hint of natural flavours.
Brown Rice w/tomato, garlic & onion (left over from last night)
Rib eye steak, broccoli, onions, tomato & cashew nuts
2 oat cakes with peanut butter & 1 banana
Grilled Lemon Chicken, new potatoes & salad.
Water: More than 3 ltrs
Energy Levels: Consistent
Activities: Biked 13.3 miles
Temptation? Went for dinner with a friend in the evening, they drank beer, I drank tomato juice. No majors.
Mood: Ok
4 pints of water before noon helped with mid morning appetite. Went to local butchers, it was all free range but not all organic. Got everything on my shopping list from the previous day, just need to get some avocados in now and a jug for filtering water - more on this when I get one. Body wasn't feeling great, I had felt a restriction in my neck and shoulders for a couple of days so I went for a MAT treatment with Michael over in the west end. Read more about MAT here -
I don't really feel like I'm on a diet, this eating plan is not about counting calories or eating a certain ratio of proteins, carbs and fat. It's about cutting out food and drink that you don't really need and that aren't that good for you.
Barbecued Rib Eye Steak with broccoli, tomato, onions & cashew nuts
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